Documents Required for an Arya Samaj Wedding

In 1875, Swami Dayanand Sarasvati
founded the Arya Samaj which acquires an important place in India. Arya Samaji
wedding is different from a Hindu wedding. Arya Samajis do not believe in idol
worship and hence their marriages are conducted in a slightly different
manner. The ceremonies are conducted as per Vedic rituals and its statutory
validation is obtained from the Arya Samaj Marriage Validation Act, 1937. Hindu
Marriage Act is also applicable to them. Unlike Hindu Marriages, apart from
rituals, certain documents are also required for Arya Samaj weddings. The
marriage takes 1-2 hrs for completion.

for an Arya Samaj Marriage

The bride must not be less than 18 years and the groom must be at
least be 21 years of age.
Arya Samaj Marriage can be performed by an individual who is a
Hindu, Buddhist, Jain or Sikh.
    Any person not belonging to the Muslims, Christians, Parsis or
Jews category can also perform this Marriage.
    Inter-Caste Marriages and Inter-Religious Marriages are also
solemnized if none of the members of the couple is Muslim, Christian, Parsi or
   A non-Hindu couple can perform the marriage, after undergoing a
process called Shuddhi. Muslims, Christians, Parsis or Jews, if, voluntarily
wants to convert to Hindus, they can do so through the process called
Shuddhi. After this, they can
undergo an Arya Samaj Marriage.

Required for an Arya Samaji Wedding

There are certain documents required for Arya Samaj marriage which on
booking an Arya Samaj, needs to be provided by the couple.  These Include-
4 coloured photographs, each of the bride as well as the groom are
  Separate affidavits from bride and groom stating: Date of birth,
present marital status: unmarried/widower/ divorcee, an affirmation that the
parties are not related to each other within the degree of prohibited
    Proof of date of birth and proof of address of the couple is
(Voter Card, Driving Licence, Matriculation
Certificate, any one of these).
     Age proof of the bride and groom is required. A bride must not be
less than 18 years of age and the groom must not be less than 21 years of age.
This is to ensure that the couple is competent to get married.
    Two witnesses are required to attest the marriage, their age/
residence proof along with two passport size photographs
    If one of the parties to the marriage is divorced, then, a
certified copy of the divorce certificate issued by the competent court is
      If one of the parties to the marriage is a widow, the death
certificate of the deceased spouse is required.
  If one of the parties is a foreign citizen or holding a foreign
passport or is having foreign residential address- NOC and certificate of
present marital status from the embassy is required.
Apart from this a Mangal sutra, 2
garlands/jaimala and 2kgs sweets are required. On completion of marriage the
mandir gives a marriage certificate.

Time taken by an Arya Samaj Marriage

The entire Arya Samaj marriage
process takes around 2-4 hours. On a convenient date fixed for solemnisation of
marriage, the couple visits the temple with the requisite documents, things and
two witnesses. Marriage is completed on the same day itself. The marriage
ceremony is performed in the Arya Samaj mandir and usually takes a couple of
hours which involves rituals and mantras. After the marriage gets, the Arya
Samaj Mandir issues a marriage certificate. This certificate is valid across
India and not abroad. For international validation, of marriage, one needs to
get their marriage registered.

registration is required in the case of an Arya Samaj Marriage?

Yes, the registration of marriage is
required in case of an Arya Samaj Marriage.  The Marriage certificate provided by the
Mandir does not have legal validity and proper registration of marriage is
required. Marriage registration is required for the visa, work permit, insurance
and other purposes. Even though the marriage remains valid even without
registration but as per the 2006 judgment, Seema vs. Ashwani Kumar, SC held
that it is mandatory for all couples to register their marriages. The Arya
Samaj Marriage is only valid within India and is not internationally accepted.
Therefore, it is important to get the marriage registered with the
Sub-Divisional Magistrate. Even though the marriage certificate provided by
the Arya Samaj authorities is valid as per the Hindu laws, but registration is
mandatory as per the SC judgment.
Arya Samaj marriage is comparatively
budget-friendly and gets completed within 2-4 hours. It avoids unnecessary
documentation and involves a straight forward and easy process. A marriage
certificate is provided which is even though not internationally accepted but
has a legal validity within India. An Arya Samaj Marriage can be easily
solemnised with the help of a lawyer. It prevents child marriage and coercive
marriages as the documents submitted keep a track on the age and consent of
the parties to the marriage.

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