Online Marketing Course Reviews & Buying Tips

With the internet being a place to socialize, get information, find entertainment, etc., there’s also a billion dollar industry that people are looking to get a piece of. This consists of essentially marketing online for products or services.

The most common model to make money online is through affiliate marketing. This concept is quite simple. All you’re doing is promoting other people’s products and if you get a sale, you get a commission. It works great for both the marketer and vendor because the marketer doesn’t have to worry about inventory, shipping or customer care. The vendor doesn’t have to worry about marketing as much as he basically has a sales team doing to the work for him or her.

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Do Your Research: 

To get into this space, you are going to need to do your research. There are two ways you can go about it. You can either buy a course online, whether it’s for affiliate marketing or even e-commerce, or, you can get some free information and put it to practise.

The issue with free information is that it could be out of date. Not only that, is the information legitimate? Many people will give away something for free, only to try to sell you a different course. You should choose wisely who you listen to and don’t fall for any schemes.

Get a Review:-

It would be highly advisable to purchase a course and there are ways to get a legitimate one. You should check out review sites that will review a product and make their recommendations. One example of a review site is Drew’s Review, where they will review an affiliate marketing course or an ecom course and make recommendations if it is good or not. In some cases, they will purchase the product and take you on a tour through the member’s area so you can actually see first what you are buying.

Getting a review is also good because these reviewers will often attach a bonus if you purchase through them. One strategy you can use is to find a review site that has the best bonus and buy from them. However, if you trust the reviewer and liked what was said, you should remain loyal and purchase from that site.

The Guarantee:-

When you buy an internet marketing course, no matter what it is, you should always ensure there is some kind of guarantee. Most will offer this but there has been some high ticket items that have not. Usually these courses come from big names in the industry such as the Ecom Success Academy by Adrian Morrison where no refunds are offered.

Not to say this is a bad thing, but with a $2500 price tag you should be able to ask yourself if you can afford it. You’ll be investing maybe double that to get your business going, so if you have nothing left after buying the course then you should probably look for an alternative. Franklin Hatchett has a good course that is a fraction of what Adrian’s course goes for. So you see, there’s always an option.

Payment Options:- 

Another purchase tip for a course is to look at the payment options. Some will offer a payment plan spread out over 3 payments or so. Normally, this is another cash grab as the total payment will be higher than if you were to buy the course outright. If you’re buying with your credit card, do the math and see if paying up front will offset the interest owed on the card. These payment plans should be avoided at all costs because you also have to consider the exchange rate too if you are not residing in the country where the course is being sold.

In conclusion, never rush into buying an online course. Get a good review and demo first, a nice bonus package that relates to the product being sold and you’ll be in a good position to start your online venture.

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