Why Do Senior Citizens in India Need Health Insurance?

Health insurance refers
to an insurance cover that pays for the dental, medical and surgical expenses
that are incurred by the person insured. It includes reimbursement for any
expense that is incurred because of any injury or illness.
With the increase in
age, the risks associated with recurring health problems also increase. The
old age of a person is less sound financially and more challenging physically.
Thus, it becomes very important to have a senior citizen health insurance that
takes care of any urgent medical expenses that a senior citizen may have to
incur. To know about the best senior citizen health insurance schemes,
click here.


Features of senior citizen health

Old age brings several
ailments with it. They are, at times, too expensive to treat. Thus, numerous
insurance companies offer a variety of
citizen health insurance
schemes to suit individual demands. Most of
these schemes do not require any medical tests prior to availing these
insurance policies. They also include daycare expenses that arise due to
technological advancements. The following are some salient features of a senior
citizen health insurance scheme:
     Senior citizen health insurance schemes cover the
health of the citizens of India who are aged above 60 years.
     These plans don’t require any type of screening
on a pre-medical basis.
     The senior citizen health insurance plans cover diseases that are pre-existing.
     They offer free lock-in periods.
     The senior citizens can avail the health care
offers on an annual basis.
     Expenses of pre-hospitalization and
post-hospitalization are also covered under the senior citizen health insurance


Need for health insurance among senior

As health-related issues
are increasing, having health insurance is very important. Moreover, as one
increases in terms of age, health cost starts becoming a burden, especially
during the retirement years. That is the reason we often see the old and
retired people spending every penny very wisely. Health insurance is considered
to be a necessity in today’s world. While people of almost every age group
think about getting health life insurance, senior citizens find it very
difficult to select an appropriate plan for themselves. The following are the
reasons for the senior citizens to consider a health insurance plan.

Cashless hospitalization

Health insurance often
brings hope to the insured because in the cases of hospitalization, the
expenses will be worn by the insurance company. These companies are liable to
pay claims on the insured’s behalf. Senior citizen health insurance
schemes help the elderly in saving the
hospitalization expenses to a large extent.
In the case of cashless
hospitalization, the hospital bills are not to be paid by the policyholder and
are reimbursed by the insurer.

Hassle-free and faster settlement

The older one gets, the
more is the physical and mental stress. This leads to the deterioration of
one’s health to a great extent. This is where the need for a senior citizen’s
health insurance
scheme arises. At
times, the process of getting a health insurance scheme becomes stressful and
tiring for an elderly man, keeping in view his health conditions. Thus,
insurance companies nowadays tend to offer schemes that are hassle-free to aid
the elderly.

Covering ambulance charges

Senior citizen health
insurance schemes include almost all medical expenses. From the costs incurred
in the hospital to travelling to that place, everything is paid by the health
insurance company. At times, the ambulance charges are also covered in the
scheme. However, the clause of the ambulance charges varies from one scheme to

Covering hospitalization expenses

Senior citizen health
insurance schemes include hospital charges such as room charges and other
medical bills in the hospital.

Coverage of pre-existing diseases

Other than providing for
the diseases that an elderly person is diagnosed after sixty years of age,
several senior citizen health insurance schemes also offer coverage for the
treatment of any pre-existing diseases.

Tax benefits of health insurance for senior citizens

The senior citizen
health insurance policies provide a large number of health benefits to senior citizens. Besides taking care of
factors such as hospitalization charges, ambulance charges, visiting charges,
etc., a senior health insurance scheme also entitles one to avail tax

Exclusions in senior citizen health

A senior citizen health
scheme covers almost all
the health hazards that are diagnosed. However, there are some that are not
covered. Some of these are:
     Health expenses that arise from excessive use of
     Cost of treatment of AIDS
     Cosmetic surgeries
     The expenses that are related to the non-allopathic
treatment of individuals
     Cost of treating the dental or lenses issues that
are not arising due to accidents
     Expenses that arise from any self-inflicted acts
As old age can be termed
as a second childhood in a person’s life, ensuring its safety becomes very
important. In India, there are various insurance companies that provide a large
number of insurance schemes keeping in mind the requirements of the individuals.
You must consider your needs and select the best scheme available.

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