Some global
companies continue struggling to narrow the gap between their IT departments
and business development teams. They definitely need modern analytics to stimulate
the growth and not just delve on the data gathering. A balance between the
thoughts of CMO and CIO solves multiple problems with business intelligence and
If your organization has to meet customer demands, a
healthy collaboration between CMO and CIO bears tremendous results. Let’s get
to the bottom of this for you to be up against the competition.

Why executive positions matter? 

companies like Gartner’s’ have time and again predicted that CIOs lack insights
to develop the nextgen blueprint. Data is required to beat the competition, enjoy
steady growth and expand in alternative markets globally. The need for business intelligence and analytics
has increased as new technologies disrupt various industrial sectors. IT
leaders desire information, therefore the marketing teams for business
development. For long there has been a gap in following the requirements. Obtain
a more intimate look at the way business moves forward for B2B and B2C sectors.
The consumer experience is paramount to success. They hold the key to subsequent
fortunes of the company. Before considering the relationship with the consumer,
one has to look at the status within the company. The CMO and CIO frequently do
not share a cordial relationship. It is this aspect that needs to be addressed
before anything else for any information to be discussed. Only a thriving partnership
promotes authentic value to all business activities. The choice of sound
technology to deliver an experience to customers and employees alike equally
matters. The most affected relationship is of course with the IT department
which is always at loggerheads and needs to push for system upgrade.

Coping with reshaping digital landscape 

CMOs do find it
hard to keep up with trends that matter to drive business growth online. Many
of the executives also admit that the erratic development of systems slows down growth. On the other side of the spectrum, the IT department is miffed with the
negligence of security and maintenance of the processes. Due to this tussle,
coping with shifting digital landscape is difficult. If there is a modification
in the perceptions of CMOs and CIOs and the IT department the synergies can pursue a collective goal. As time moves on the gaps are closing and the need for
self-sustaining BI is gathering steam. In fact, BI has evolved in the last few
years. It has gone past diverse systems operating simultaneously, and
complicated UIs have given way to direct interfaces. The induction of human
resources with technical skills in the company has correspondingly improved.
This clearly suggests that business intelligence and analytics have produced a
breakthrough in fostering the critical alignment between CMOs and CIOs.

Emphasis on real time analytics 

The development and
implementation of cloud-based systems have helped in getting information from
disparate processes within the company. The present generation of software endure
lesser time to be installed, and workflow is uninterrupted. Various APIs plug
in the crucial data on a separate platform for everyone to extract information.
Being available on a single dashboard allows easy flow of thought processes of
various department heads during the decision making. This ensures they are not
at loggerheads with each other and can align their ideas for business growth in
one direction. When CIOs are able to differentiate between the competition,
they deploy better technologies to expand to modern territories. Many companies
are investing in technical experts who can provide practical solutions on a firm

Still neglecting the IT department?

It may downgrade
your company’s ratings in the market. Today’s IT department has to keep a check
on solutions. They have to take care of the labyrinth of networking systems to manage
data that will be relevant and can be utilized as business intelligence. A
skilled IT department is essential to make companies more organized, efficient and reducing costs in many ways. This is why there is an inevitable pressure on
CIOs and CMOs to align themselves to assist the department to function. Such a
measure will ensure data-driven analytics and the accuracy rates of progress
are higher.
Several leaders
who are using business intelligence and analytics are capabilities to:
Manage large scale projects
with better risk assessment
Project better ROIs
Re-align goals periodically as
systems continue providing real-time information
Figure out challenges that
still confront the company
Intended initiatives are no
longer a gamble but well thought out strategies to succeed
Adopt scalable technology to
Are you willing
to walk down and close gaps in your organization?

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