5 On Page SEO Techniques That Can Boost Your Ranking

Before answering your basic question, I want to describe a bit about on-page SEO.

On page SEO as the name suggests is the technique a
person uses on his website or blog by working on every web page accordingly.

You wouldn’t be able to run a successful off-page SEO
without doing proper on-page SEO. In short, on-page optimization is the base for off-page SEO success. 
So, I have listed five
best on-page SEO techniques that will help you to boost your ranking easily and

Useful Link:-

1. Unique and
Quality Content:-

No matter how much you try to improve
ranking if the content on your website is not good, you are not going to get any traffic whatsoever. 
By good content I mean, the content should be relevant to
your website and
every page should have a
content which specifically
that page. 
Content that is well
and unique will be rewarded
more than you expected. 
In other words, the
content you should have on your website should be exactly what you always
on your website or its

2. Page Title
should be Effective:-

  • Every page of your website
    should have a unique and effective title. Not only the title should be unique
    but it should be relevant to your website as a
  • The reason is that Google
    reads the web pages
    as the title suggests
    and the viewers come to the website only when they know what the website is all
  • One addition to that could be that you write the
    description about pages. But, don’t make it a long sentence. Stick to point and
    convey the message.

3. Make Your
Website Mobile Friendly:-

This is a new
phenomenon, and if you want to get the
traffic a lighting fast speed, then you should make the website optimised enough to work on every mobile
Not only the compatibility of the mobile is needed but
the website should be faster, or the users will go away. 
So, you should try your heart out to make the website
mobile friendly and faster.

4. Unique Permalinks:- 

  • Having a unique link for every
    page for your website is really good and high ranking grabber.
  • Each page link should be unique and should only represent
    only the page not be ambiguous.
  • An example of a good
    permalink is: https://www.aamconsultants.org/seo-services-company/
  • An example of
    a bad permalink is: https://www.aamconsultants.org/p165?441 or

As you can
see above the link is only representing one page of the website and is not ambiguous
that users don’t understand what the page is all about.

5. Do Internal Linking:-

  • Within a website, you can put many links which will take
    you to other websites.
  • It is
    preferable that each page should not have more than 15 links. Otherwise it will representing a spam post.
  • You can put
    links between the content not on extreme top or footer

If all of
this is making it hard for you to do it then, you can hire an
on-page SEO services company who will do that for you with
comfort and time management.

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