Avoid Mistakes That Make You Look Like a Lawn Care Rookie

Want a lush
green lawn? It may seem almost unattainable, but with the right lawn care
measures in place, you’re halfway there.
Below are the six-yard care mistakes
to keep off to obtain that perfect-looking lawn:

Cutting grass too low or high

Grass, like any other plant, requires
leaves to make food—which is vital for the growth process. Mowing too short
deprives your lawn the ability to absorb adequate sunlight needed for
photosynthesis (food manufacturing process). Hence, that leads to 
starvation—a situation that can kill or make your lawn more vulnerable to weeds and
Avoid cutting back more than a third
of the grass blades in a single cutting to allow for adequate grass
regeneration and thickening.
Higher cutting encourages the
development of a broad and deep root system, reduces weed problems, and
enhances your lawn’s appeal. However, too high of cutting can as well end up
turning your beautiful lawn into a den of mosquitoes and dangerous
“animals” like snakes. In addition, high blades can make the moving
process more difficult.

Applying too much fertilizer

Not all brownish spots and patches on
your lawn signify nutrient deficiency. Sometimes excessive fertilizer an application can lead to such occurrences, and this is especially true for lawn
fertilizers that come with high levels of nitrogen.
Over application not only affects the health of your grass but also makes it more vulnerable to pests and diseases,
and to the extreme, may lead to the death of the plant. Soil test, should,
therefore, be your primary task before even establishing a lawn—as it guides
you on the right types and amounts of fertilizer to feed your lawn for the right amount of nutrients.
Consider using a slow-release
fertilizer as it reduces burning risk in the event of excessive application. It
also cuts down your mowing frequency while positively impacting your lawn

Not mulching the clippings

Most homeowners often collect grass
clippings after mowing, perhaps, to make their lawns look greener, neat, and
clean. However, leaving the clippings on the lawn to decompose is a great way
to keep the soil moist, enhance its nutrient content while also preventing soil
compaction. All these work to ensure a lush, green, and healthy lawn.
Mulching grass clippings also help
reduce thatch, and most importantly, doesn’t cause thatch build-up. Just ensure
that the clippings don’t clump together (by raking them out). Otherwise, the thick
layer can suffocate the lawn.

Mowing with dull blades

It’s no doubt that you’re fast-killing
your lawn when you use dull blades to cut. Dull blades tear the grass, leaving
behind uneven ends, cause discoloration and make the grass more susceptible to diseases.
Consider sharpening your mower blade
at least twice or thrice a year. And if need be, more often—especially if you
find it hard to mow without scalping the ground. Sharp blades help reduce
stress on your lawn as well as on your lawn mower.

Inadequate watering

It’s one of those lawn care mistakes
you never want to commit as it can kill the sparkle of your lawn. Grassroots
require water to survive and lack of water or inadequate supply can easily lead
to the plant’s death.
Adequate and proper watering
mechanisms are vital in order to ensure an evergreen and healthy lawn. Water
infrequently, evenly, slowly, and early in the day to allow your lawn to dry
the rest of the day. In any case, early watering also helps to minimize
evaporation loss.


Overwatering encourages shallow roots,
which imply that your grass won’t be able to reach for the nutrients and
moisture deep under the soil. This scenario is one that makes your lawn more susceptible
to diseases and drought.
However, less frequent and deep
watering allows for the development of a deep root system to ensure your lawn
stays healthy, robust, and green over the seasons.
Generally, 1-1.5 inches of water in a
week will do for most lawns, but this may vary depending on your area’s
climate, type of soil, and grass species. But you can always consult with your
local landscaper if in doubt.

Final Thoughts on Lawn Care

In addition to the above lawn care
mistakes, never cut a damp or wet lawn. It not only causes ruts but may also
bring about permanent damage to your yard.
More often than not, the wet grass
cuttings clump together, thus chocking the grass, which then turns brown. If
mowed in the stressed state, such a lawn can experience permanent damage. Avoid
these lawn care mistakes, and you’ll have a carpet of emerald to be envied.

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