How to Start a Website in 5 Minutes and Configure Yourself Easily

Being on Internet and selling your franchise overseas can boost up your business and let you compete with the International markets. Nowadays a business website comes handy in grabbing attention of people and enables you to provide e-commerce facility to your customers. If you wish to create your business website and do not have money to spare on professional website designers then here I’m disclosing some steps through which you can create your website.

Before creating and editing your website you need to decide which domain you are going to use for your website. If you wish your website be available for Indian audience then you should go for .in domain and if you wish to present your website at a Global level then you should get a .com domain.
There are many websites available that can assist you in creating your website for your business. 

WordPress Blogger Tips:-

WordPress is leading in this sector and powers about 44% of the internet.  If you wish to buy a domain name of your choice then you may have to spend some bucks from your pocket.

Tip: – Do not spend so much time in comparing cost for website and spend more time in creating your website.

After buying a website domain you should consider some basic plugins and setups in order to make your website appealing to eyes. Here are some basic settings you should consider using in your website.

  1. Permalinks
  2. Theme
  3. Default URL
  4. Home Page
  5. Menu

After, using these websites then you should also go for some plugins which are very handy for your website.

      1.      Akismet:-

This plugin protects your blog or websites from Spam comments. The plugin marks the spammers and blocks their comments to prevent nasty comments.

      2.      Jetpack:-

Jetpack is a pack of many useful widgets which allow you to configure settings automatically.

     3.      Yoast SEO:-

Yoast SEO is very useful in making your website SEO friendly.

4.      Sumo Me:-

This plugin is good in collecting email addresses and for sharing options. This plugin allows visitors to directly share stuff from your website. 

       5.      WP Smush:-

Use this plugin to provide a more user-friendly experience. This plugin reduces the size og the images on your website according to the network connection speed of the visitors and load the webpage faster.

       6.      Google Analytics for WordPress:-

You may wish to keep a track of your visitors both the number as well as the place from where they are. Google Analytics keep a record of your visitors in a convenient way.

      7.      WP Database Backup:-

This plugin is most handy of all as it creates a backup of all the changes you do to your website and blog. You may not want to lose any of the data so better take a backup right from the very beginning.

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