How to Get Backlinks for Your Website with Off-page SEO?

How to Get Backlinks for Your Website with Off-page SEO?:

Backlinks are
very important from the SEO point of view. They are simply the incoming links
towards your website from other websites. Hence, very firstly we need to
understand the importance of Backlinks.

Importance of Backlinks:

Link building is one of
the key roles that is played for the successful off-page SEO
strategy. Backlinks can get your website up as well as can get your
website down. It is all about the authority, quality, and relevance of the
websites from where you get the backlinks. If backlinks do not
match the niche relevancy criteria and if found that the links which are coming
to your websites are from black hat SEO techniques, you may even find your
website disappearing from Google search results. i.e.
Irrelevant backlinks can harm your website and Google will put it in
their sandbox.

Website analysis should be done before proceeding for link building. Which
means, understanding the niche of your website and then trying
to backlinks from the similar niche websites. For example, if you own
a website having a niche as “Digital Marketing”. Then you should be trying to get
the backlinks form the websites which relate to digital marketing.
Hence, it is very necessary to understand from where to get the backlinks.

Backlink Building

you especially talk about Search Engine Optimization
(SEO), backlinks can be built from white hat SEO technique and black
hat SEO technique. White hat SEO technique is nothing but a proper method of
building backlinks by following the search engine guidelines, whereas
Black hat SEO technique is nothing but an improper method of
building backlinks by avoiding the search engine guidelines. Search
engines like Google and Bing have been very strict with the content on your
websites, backlinks to your websites, meta tags, etc. Hence, making
the work of SEO Experts more complicated rather more challenging to find the
new ways and methods to build backlinks, generating fresh content, working
with meta tags and all that things which search engines like most.

They are-

1. Social Bookmarking:

Yes, social bookmarking still works to some
extent. It is one of the best ways to bookmark your web pages online, which can
be read by internet users anytime, anywhere with internet connection. Social bookmarking
will bring some traffic to your website and so as getting
a backlink to your website.

2. Image Sharing:

As we know the image has that all enhancing
power to attract people instantly. An image is the best way to express, spread
and share anything more effectively and efficiently. Image sharing is
one of the best ways to promote your brand, spreading messages with people,
secret sharing, make people aware of the things that you cannot
textually defined and most important building backlink.

3. Blog Commenting:

Blog commenting is one another way to bring
traffic and build a backlink to your website for your targeted
keyword. Mostly try to search for do follow blogs that relate to your
website’s niche. Now days almost all of the blogs give no
follow links, but no matter if you get a backlink from a blog
that is having good DA and PA.

4. Guest Posting:

Guest posting is one of the best and most
effective methods for generating backlinks nowadays. It is nothing
but writing an article related to your niche for relevant websites or blogs
and get a link back to your website from a targeted keyword or author
bio. You just need to have a fresh quality article.

5. Competitor
Analysis and link requests:

Competitor analysis is one another and
most relevant and most successful method for getting quality backlinks. It
means, very firstly finding the competitors for your website and then finding
from where they are getting backlinks. You can mail the people who have
linked to your competitor website for a link request. Although most webmasters
will ignore such kind of requests you can get some good links with this


We saw how to get backlinks for a website
from various methods which included social bookmarking, image sharing, blog
commenting, guest posting and competitor analysis. This will surely help for
your successful SEO and Digital Marketing Strategy.

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