Detailed Guide to Web Application Testing – 6 Crucial Steps to Follow

Detailed Guide to Web Application Testing – 6 Crucial Steps to Follow:

Web application testing is an integral part of web development
process these days. To know how it works, here is a step by step guide with web
testing test cases:

1 – Functionality Testing:

You need to test for links in database connection, web pages, cookie
testing, forms for submitting or extracting information from user in web pages,

Make sure you check all links, including outgoing links from all pages
to a particular domain under test, internal links, links that jump on the same
pages, and links used for sending email to users from web pages or admin. Also
test for assessing orphan pages. Checking of links should also include broken
link checks.

Test Forms – Since forms are an integral part of any website,
these should be checked too. Start with checking all validations on each field
and default values of those fields. This can be one via putting incorrect inputs
in the forms.

Testing of Cookies – Enable or disable cookies in browser options.
You need to test if cookies are encrypted prior to writing to user machine. For
session cookies, check login sessions and user stats once a session ends. You
need to assess result on application security via deleting cookies.

Validate HTML/CSS – When optimizing a website for search engines (SEO),
validation of HTML/CSS validation is crucial. Validate website for errors
related to HTML syntax. Also check if varied search engines can crawl the website.

Database Testing – Consistency of data is crucial for web
application. When editing, deleting, modifying, forms or conducting functionality
related to DB. All database queries must be executed appropriately. Data should
also be retrieved and updated correctly.

2 – Testing of Usability:

Navigation Test – Navigation is the way a user browses through web
pages. Testing should be done on controls such as boxes, buttons, and the way
users use links on pages for surfing different pages.
Testing for Usability will include user friendliness of website,
clear instructions provided; each page should have a main menu, and

Checking for Content – Web content must be relevant rational,
relevant, and easy to understand. So check it for an ant spell / grammatical errors.
Dark colors are annoying for users. These should be avoided in the theme of the
site. Standard colors used for web page and creating content can be considered.
Make sure that the content is significant. Anchor text links must work well. Place
images appropriately with proper sizes. These standards need to be followed in
web development. Validating for UI testing will help. If you need assist so
feel free to contact us:

Step 3
– Interface Testing

The major testing interfaces include:
  • – Application server and Database server interface.
  • – Web server and application server interface

All interactions between these servers must be appropriately
checked and errors must be handled well. The application server must catch and
then display messages on errors for application server query when web server or
database returns error message for a query by the application server. Thereafter,
check what occurs when a user interrupts a transaction. You should also check
what happens when web server connection is reset.

4 – Compatibility Testing:

This is a very important part of testing. You need to focus on the
following aspects of compatibility:
Compatibility –
Experienced freelance web developer and designers consider this as the most
influencing part of website testing. Certain applications are dependent on
browsers. Settings and configurations for different browsers vary. A web page
should show compatibility with these. Website coding must be compatible with cross
browser platform. For AJAX or Java scripts where validations, UI functionality,
and security checks are needed, more stress should be given on browser
compatibility testing of web application. Here, you need to test web
application on varied browsers such as Netscape Navigator, Internet Explorer, Opera,
AOL, Firefox, and Safari browsers (different versions).

System Compatibility –
Some functionality in your web application is
that it may not be compatible with all operating systems. All new technologies
used in web development like graphic designs, interface calls like different
API’s may not be available in all Operating Systems. Hence test your web
application on different operating systems like Windows, Unix, MAC, Linux, and

Browsing –
This is the new era browsing. So it will really help to test web
pages on mobile browsers. Since compatibility issues can be there on mobile
devices, testing this is important.

Options –
The page alignment, fonts, page graphics, etc. must get printed appropriately.
All pages must fit to the size of paper or as per the size stated in the option
of printing.

5 – Performance Testing
It is important that web application sustains to heavy load. The performance
testing must comprise of the following:

Load Testing
– Test if a large number of users are
accessing or requesting the same page. If yes, then check of the system is
capable of sustaining in peak load times. Make sure the site can easily handle the
following really well:

  • – Several simultaneous user requests
  • – Heavy load on certain pages
  • – Large input data from users
  • – Simultaneous connection to DB
  • – Much more

Stress Testing –
Stress refers to stretching the system beyond
its well-known limits. This type of testing is performed for breaking the site via
applying stress. Thereafter, an analysis is made on the varied ways in which the
system reacts to stress. It is also checked how it manages to recover from
crashes. The following areas are targeted for giving stress:
  • – Input fields
  • – Sign up areas
  • – Login

Application performance should be tested on different internet
connection speed.
It is important to check the functionality of website on varied operating
systems and hardware platforms for hardware and software memory leakage errors
while testing web performance.

6 – Security Testing

Paste internal URL directly on the browser address bar for testing
without login. You should not open internal pages. When logged in with username
and password, change URL options when browsing internal pages. For checking site
of a publisher site, go for statistics with the ID of publisher site = 123. Change
the URL site ID parameter directly to different site ID. Deny access for this
user to view other stats.

  • – Try out invalid inputs in input fields. These may be password, login
    username, input text boxes, etc. Now check the reaction of systems on all
    invalid inputs.
  • – Web files or directories must not be directly accessible unless
    download option is offered.
  • – Test CAPTCHA for automates script logins.
  • – Check whether or not SSL is used for security measures. Display
    appropriate measures once a user switches from non-secure http:// pages to
    secure https:// pages and vice versa.
  • – Check if all error messages, transactions, attempts
    on security breach get logged in the log files on the web server. 

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